Federico Piccaluga – GC Powerlist
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Switzerland 2024

Energy and utilities

Federico Piccaluga

Group general counsel | Duferco Group


Switzerland 2024


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Federico Piccaluga

Group general counsel | Duferco Group

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience 
During periods of instability or crises, it is crucial, in my opinion, to prioritise legal risk assessment and adapt quickly to a changing business environment and regulations.  
Furthermore, in order to ensure the organisation’s resilience, I think that the proper legal strategy should be characterised by the proactive addressing of potential challenges to mitigate the risks that could arise, especially in uncertain times. Adaptability and flexibility are, therefore, key elements of the legal strategy in such circumstances.  
Recognising the importance of legal risk assessment and compliance with regulations, I believe the role of the general counsel is not to avoid any kind of risks at all costs, as that would negatively impact the company’s business. Rather, the general counsel should accept some risks as inevitable and assess them in relation to business objectives. In this sense, the general counsel should act as a facilitator of the business and a value creator, even in uncertain and risky times.  

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?  
As for the emerging technology that I see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, I believe it is safe to say that, like in many other professions, it will be generative artificial intelligence.  
Indeed, as far as the legal field is concerned, AI could be beneficial in several ways. Among other things, it could streamline the document review process, analyse a vast amount of data, thus reducing the time consumed in activities such as legal research, and in general, automate some other low value but time-consuming routine tasks.  
In order to stay updated on the newest technological developments, I regularly participate in conferences, meetings, and roundtable discussions focused on leveraging AI technologies to enhance the efficiency of legal professionals’ work. I am always eager to put into practice what I have learned from theory.  

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?   
Within my legal department, we place great importance on diversity and inclusion, not only from a formal standpoint but also in practical terms. In fact, beyond the principles established by our ethical code, our company, including my legal department, has implemented a series of initiatives to fulfil them, and others will be implemented in the near future.  
To mention a few, we can recall the following initiatives: (i) a one-time contribution that will be provided to all employees with dependent children to cover childcare costs; (ii) the development of an “equal career plan” ensuring a working environment that promotes gender-balanced employment at all career levels and ensures salary equality; and (iii) the doubling of the statutory paternal leave, covering the ten days mandated by law with an additional ten days.  
In addition to this, one of our subsidiaries has already obtained the “caring company” certification issued by Lifeed, an acknowledgment for companies that have decided to prioritise the well-being of their workers in their strategies. This demonstrates how we are heading in the right direction, even though much more has yet to be done.  

Federico Piccaluga - Switzerland 2023

Group general counsel | Duferco

Federico Piccaluga is the general counsel of Duferco Group, and a qualified lawyer with international in-house experience in cross-border transactions such as joint ventures and M&A. He is a graduate...

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