Transocean – GC Powerlist
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Switzerland Teams 2016


| Transocean


Switzerland Teams 2016

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Philippe Huber, senior associate general counsel and corporate secretary, leads the Swiss legal team at one of the world’s largest offshore drilling contractors, Transocean. The team has had to showcase its crisis management skills during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, which attracted global media attention. As well as helping the company through the legal and public relations challenges raised by the oil spill, the team has had to proactively navigate regulatory changes for governance and compensation within Switzerland, not only understanding and navigating them but outlining these changes to Transocean’s international shareholder base. With the company’s profile as an American company that has been moved and headquartered in Switzerland, Huber has an important role to play in governance and regulation matters on a global basis. The legal team takes a leading role in governance and other business-related issues which are truly international in its scope. They deal with Swiss law, US regulation matters and governance amongst other areas where required, along with the support of the team in the US. In the first quarter of 2016 Transocean delisted its shares from the SIX Swiss Exchange, citing to financial reasons. This intricate action was managed by the legal, ensuring that it ran smoothly for the company.

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