Von Roll Management – GC Powerlist
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Switzerland Teams 2019

Von Roll Management

| Von Roll Management


Switzerland Teams 2019


Recommended Team

Von Roll Management


Head of corporate legal and group general counsel Michael Weigerstorfer leads the in-house legal team at Von Roll Management, the managing company of the ultimate holding company Von Roll Holding and its subsidiaries. The team consists of three lawyers, two based in Switzerland and one in Germany including a senior lawyer who is the group compliance officer. All three lawyers expertly advise all group companies worldwide on all kinds of contracts, including sale and delivery and purchase contracts, framework contracts such as NDAs, technical cooperation contracts, development contracts and service contracts among others in the electrical insulation industry. Each lawyer has many years of experience in global industrial companies. In particular Weigerstorfer serves as company secretary of Von Roll Holding and its Swiss group companies and advises in corporate matters, supporting its M&A activities, responsible for the main trademarks, advising on and coordinating important litigations for all group companies worldwide above a certain threshold and more. The team has advised group management and sales forces on contracts and risks in the automotive industry, which the Von Roll Group has recently started to address intensively in the field of electro mobility. Weigerstorfer highlights that, ‘the team culture and ethos are characterised by being professional, loyal, friendly and short-term helpfulness between all three lawyers of the team’.

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