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Thailand 2024

Hotels, restaurants and leisure

Chitanong Poomipark

Chief legal officer | Dusit Thani


Thailand 2024

Recommended Individual

Chitanong Poomipark

Chief legal officer | Dusit Thani

Team size : 12 members 


How do you see the general counsel role evolving in Thailand over the next five-ten years? 

Over the next five to ten years, the role of the general counsel in Thailand is likely to evolve significantly. Here are some key trends: 

Expansion of responsibilities into non-legal areas: General counsel may increasingly be involved in strategic decision-making beyond legal matters, such as risk management, corporate governance, and aspects of business development. 

Navigating globalisation and international expansion: With increased globalisation, general counsel may need to navigate complex legal frameworks when expanding internationally, including cross-border transactions, compliance with foreign laws, and managing legal risks in multiple jurisdictions. 

Increased focus on compliance and regulatory changes: With the rapidly changing legal landscape, especially in sectors like hospitality and food, general counsel will need to stay updated on regulatory changes and ensure their organisations remain compliant. 

Emphasis on technology and data privacy: With the growing importance of technology in business operations, general counsel will likely play a crucial role in addressing legal issues related to data privacy, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies. 

Advocating for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability: As societal expectations evolve, general counsels may be tasked with ensuring their organizations uphold ethical standards, engage in CSR initiatives, and adopt sustainable practices. 


What are the key things to consider managing your legal team well?  

In managing my legal team at Dusit International, I always make sure that roles, responsibilities, and expectations are clearly communicated to my legal team. Additionally, I regularly communicate organisational goals and provide guidance on how legal efforts contribute to achieving them. 

I fully support the professional growth of my legal team through training, mentoring, and opportunities for skill development. Continuous learning is encouraged to keep pace with evolving legal trends and technologies. In Dusit International, we always foster a collaborative work environment where team members feel comfortable sharing knowledge, insights, and best practices. We encourage cross-functional collaboration to address complex legal issues effectively. Also, we should lead by example and promote a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability. 

As always, I need to ensure that my legal team has the necessary resources, tools, and support to perform their roles effectively and address any challenges or obstacles they may encounter and provide guidance when needed. We recognise the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance for our legal team members and encourage flexible work arrangements and promote well-being initiatives to prevent burnout and enhance productivity. 

By staying attuned to these trends and implementing effective management strategies, I believe I can position my legal team for success in navigating the evolving legal landscape and contributing to the overall success of our group of companies. 


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