Bora Kaya – GC Powerlist
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Turkey 2017

Energy and utilities

Bora Kaya

Managing legal counsel | GAMA Power Systems Engineering & Contracting


Turkey 2017

Recommended Individual

Bora Kaya

Managing legal counsel | GAMA Power Systems Engineering & Contracting

Bora Kaya - Türkiye 2023

General counsel | GAMA Holding

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Bora Kaya - Türkiye 2022

General counsel | GAMA Construction Group

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Bora Kaya - Turkey 2019

Managing legal counsel | GAMA Contracting Group

NOMINATOR QUOTE “He is a very unique and a very competent lawyer. He is very good at what he does but more importantly, he is one of the few in...

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Having been mentioned in the GC Powerlist: Turkey Teams in 2016 as part of the recommended GAMA Power Systems legal department, managing legal counsel of the company Bora Kaya has amassed an impressive individual record across a variety of in-house legal roles. Kaya’s career has seen him spend a number of years within in-house legal teams in Turkish companies within the industrials sector including a six year spell at Eregli Iron and Steel Works, where he was mainly concerned with corporate governance, regulatory affairs and other projects. He then moved to Rönesans Holding where he proved his outstanding managerial skills by leading a team of 13 lawyers and four paralegals, and was able to prove his worth on a number of cross-border deals in Turkey, Russia, Europe, Nigeria and Northern Iraq, allowing the company to expand its worldwide footprint. Furthermore, he assisted the team in an arbitration regarding a project in Jordan and led the team in a DAB process regarding a project in Latvia. As well as the construction of three large power plants in Bahrain, Russia and Tunisia. He explains of these challenges: ‘We often encounter political and regulatory challenges in countries where we are active. As a preventive measure we are trying to draft our contracts in the best possible way that would protect us in such a scenario. If we cannot succeed in drafting at a level we aim to achieve or another unexpected event happens, we closely collaborate with local law firms and financial consultants in order to better understand what might be our legal or administrative options to reverse or prevent the negative effects’.




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Bora Kaya

Managing legal counsel

GAMA Contracting Group

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