3M Türkiye – GC Powerlist
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Turkey Teams 2016

3M Türkiye

| 3M Türkiye


Turkey Teams 2016


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3M Türkiye


With a complex business set up in its Turkish subsidiary, US multinational conglomerate 3M is undergoing extensive change. The Turkish legal team, led by general counsel Halil Ibrahim Kardicali, has been instrumental in putting down rules for channel management and a robust compliance system designed to be very user-friendly, both ensuring the company has a smooth transition in line with its goals. In demonstrating his team’s internal contribution to the business and why it is regularly nominated internally to partner business areas, Kardicali says ‘we have prepared and compiled legal programmes tailor-made for different employees. Different programmes exist now for e-commerce, employees in management positions and public sector positions’. Part of the team’s impact on the company includes a review and revaluation of their legacy contracts, to create new horizons for the company. Their position as close partner to business and sales teams to foresee and resolve issues before they occur epitomises a pragmatic approach to fluctuations in the Turkish economy. A proactive and responsive culture is also a key feature of the department as team members regularly attend seminars and roundtables to keep information up to date on the legal and regulatory environment, further safeguarding company interests.

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Halil İbrahim Kardıçalı

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