Fatih Temur – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2022

Industrials and real estate

Fatih Temur

Senior lawyer, M&A and transactional affairs | Yilport Holdings


Türkiye 2022


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Fatih Temur

Senior lawyer, M&A and transactional affairs | Yilport Holdings

Team size: Five

Can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?

Yildirim is a fast-growing holding company active in nine sectors and present in 53 countries. Its core business areas comprise port management, metals and mining, fertilizers, coal and coke, shipping, energy, and financial investments. I have two functions in the company, the first being a senior lawyer in the transactional affairs team— the company is in continuous growth. Our team has a crucial role in driving M&A and transactional affairs. Recently, Yildirim purchased 100 percent shares of Albchrome — the largest chrome ore and ferrochrome producer in Albania and one of the major market players in Europe. Since its beginning, the legal team has assisted in the acquisition with legal due diligence activities, share purchase agreement negotiations, and signing and completing all the condition precedents until the final closure of the agreement. Currently, we are involved in the development of various pipeline projects — given Yildirim’s global reach; we are working with external legal counsel from different countries to understand and comply with local laws. My second role in the company concerns legal counseling for Yilport Holding, one of the most significant Yildirim subsidiaries, operating in 22 international seaports and terminals. I draft several types of agreements, from supply to customer service. Additionally, given the continued company’s expansion, I am negotiating and handling the bureaucracy to obtain the most technologically advanced equipment to make our processes more efficient.

What do you think are the biggest risks facing your industry now and how are you preparing your company and team to face these risks?

I believe that the biggest challenge facing our industry is the inability to meet demand in the new fast-paced environment. Today’s world is the fastest in history. Companies are expected to rapidly deliver their products to clients worldwide, setting up the standards for the logistic sector in the modern world. However, we experienced a supply chain crisis in the last two years because of the Covid-19 pandemic — ships were left waiting at seaports to be unloaded. Being a port operation company, we have had to deal with increasing demand which we have not considered an obstacle; instead, we used it as a starting point to facilitate and accelerate our processes.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

In-house lawyers work in direct contact with the company’s independent counsel as well as its management. Therefore, building strong relationships with both sides is crucial. To make this happen, we must ensure healthy communication which minimizes conflicts. The human side of the relations also influences rapport building. When we work with advisors on a company’s projects or disputes, we often witness each other’s personal problems. It is essential to understand and step in when necessary.

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