Özlem Akyüz Atamer – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2022

Industrials and real estate

Özlem Akyüz Atamer

Head of legal | Kale Holding


Türkiye 2022


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Özlem Akyüz Atamer

Head of legal | Kale Holding

First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?

Since we have many companies operating in different fields within Kale Group and considering that our legal team provides support to all of them, we have been involved in many transactions and lawsuits in the Group. This wide spectrum that we support quickens our professional development and speeds up our progress. When we are involved in conflicts, we encourage settlements whether as a moderator or a mediator. Our legal approach prioritises the satisfaction of the parties involved with the outcome. This is so the dispute parties may go on with their cooperation regarding the fairness of the results and may look forward to future opportunities.

The most important ones are investments abroad, in Algeria, Albania, Romania, and the Middle East. We have provided legal support to prepare and conduct all the corporate transactions. It was critical to include protective terms against the restrictive provisions of the local regulations for foreign investors.

We have been involved in the operation of the initial public offering of one of our group companies. This has been a milestone in the history of our group as this has been our first publicly listed company.

What do you think are the biggest risks facing your industry now and how are you preparing your company and team to face these risks?

Our Group operates in various sectors; therefore, the international relations have significant effects on business life especially concerning aerospace and defence industries after Covid-19. The delicate issue is to harmonise all the international and national regulations.

Our focus will be international commerce with the differentiating and developing business habits and growing data protection concerns. Life is changing rapidly, though the evolution of law is not as fast as the business life. As the legal team, we are all ready to discover and develop innovative approaches that are appropriate for the changing business life.

Laws on personal data protection and cyber security systems are the focused areas. Especially for the intensively digitalised world, we have supported the protection of the data and must raise the awareness and to reshape the internal mechanisms for the compliance.

After suffering Covid-19, we see that some countries have increased inclination of protecting their local industries by tightening the regulations on data preservations and reducing the consumption of imported products by adding technical barriers. Therefore, we are now more global then ever and we are more local as a foreign investor.

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