Aykut Dincer – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Industrials and real estate

Aykut Dincer

Chief legal and compliance officer | Yapı Merkezi


Türkiye 2024


Recommended Individual

Aykut Dincer

Chief legal and compliance officer | Yapı Merkezi

Team size: 21

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

Our strategic priorities in 2024 are centred around aligning with company objectives, meeting department and company goals, and operating within the boundaries of domestic and international legislation. Through proactive planning, effective communication, and a commitment to efficiency, we aim to drive sustainable growth and success for our organisation.

To achieve these objectives, we have implemented a structured approach that involves regular meetings to review company objectives and departmental goals. These meetings serve as checkpoints to assess our progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on track. We prioritise staying informed about changes in legislation and regulations that may impact our operations. By proactively monitoring these developments, we can ensure compliance and mitigate any potential risks.

Furthermore, we place a strong emphasis on optimising our operations to maximise efficiency and minimise costs. This involves streamlining processes, leveraging technology where possible, and continuously seeking opportunities for improvement. By adopting a time and cost-effective approach to our actions, we can enhance our overall effectiveness and contribute to the company’s success.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

One cause that resonates deeply with me, both professionally and personally, is advocating for work-life balance in the corporate world. As the head of a legal team at a multinational construction company, I am keenly aware of the challenges that come with balancing the demands of a high-pressure work environment with the need for personal well-being and fulfilment.

In today’s business world, achieving this balance is more crucial than ever. While our goal is to drive success and achieve our business objectives, it’s equally important to prioritise our health, happiness, and relationships outside of work.

Navigating this delicate balance can be particularly challenging within the context of a multinational company in the construction industry. Tight schedules, demanding projects, and ever-changing circumstances add layers of complexity to an already demanding role. Despite these challenges, I am deeply committed to ensuring that my team and I prioritise our well-being and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

While the journey towards achieving this balance may be ongoing and at times challenging, I am dedicated to fostering a culture where individuals can thrive both professionally and personally. By prioritising our well-being and maintaining perspective on the big picture, we can achieve success while also leading fulfilling lives outside of work.

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