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Türkiye 2024


Berkay Öztürk

Corporate legal and compliance counsel | Aksigorta


Türkiye 2024

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Berkay Öztürk

Corporate legal and compliance counsel | Aksigorta

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

As a team, we provide support in areas such as contracts, legal consultancy, personal data, competition law, fintech, and recently, we have also added compliance and AML processes to our job description. Although we are familiar with areas falling under legal consultancy as in-house lawyers, incorporating risk management and compliance efforts has been like venturing into uncharted waters for our team. With these new processes, we find ourselves operating in fields we had never explored before, gaining many new experiences and know-how opportunities. Additionally, since digital transformation is one of our core values as a company, we have initiated several new projects to digitise many consultancy and compliance processes. Through these projects, many business processes have been digitalised and optimised, redirecting freed up human resources towards more value-adding processes.

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

After our team assumed responsibility for the compliance and AML processes, the scanning of the customer portfolio within the scope of international sanction decisions and the management of findings through manual processes have been completely transitioned to an online platform and automated through specially designed software, thanks to the project led by me.

Personally, since automating simple and repetitive low-value tasks is one of my main goals, I deemed starting with this project to be the most reasonable option. In this way, daily procedural tasks that were previously entirely manual and required a significant amount of manpower have been delegated to artificial intelligence, allowing the additional workforce generated from this transition to be utilised for more qualified tasks. Additionally, considering the intensity of the processes and the potential need for hiring additional personnel, the efficiency provided by the software has enabled the reallocation of investment that would have been spent on recruitment to the company’s more strategic and innovative areas, facilitating employment in these fields.

What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?

As a professional working in today’s conditions, my perspective on every business process begins with examining and, preferably, improving its efficiency. In modern business environments that are constantly evolving and renewing, inefficient processes from the past can significantly hinder the entire organisation, making it impossible to keep up with the industry’s current pace. Furthermore, since each of us has limited energy and working capacity throughout the day, directing this effort towards tasks that provide the most added value and personal satisfaction is the most reasonable approach.

In this context, achieving the highest possible efficiency in all the business processes for which I am responsible has always been one of my fundamental goals. Additionally, considering the strategic position of the insurance sector, ensuring that insurance-related processes operate at the highest possible efficiency can contribute to benefiting the entire community during crises and help navigate through risks with minimal damage if they occur.

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