Ezgi Sarıkaya – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Industrials and real estate

Ezgi Sarıkaya

Legal and compliance group manager | Akçansa Çimento Sanayi ve Ticaret


Türkiye 2024


Recommended Individual

Ezgi Sarıkaya

Legal and compliance group manager | Akçansa Çimento Sanayi ve Ticaret

Team size: Three

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Our team has successfully navigated confidential M&A negotiations, optimising our company’s strategic position. Additionally, we orchestrated a strategic sale of longstanding shares, generating over US$1.5mn in revenue. Furthermore, our adept handling of environmental and lease contract cases showcases our commitment to robust legal practices. Notably, we are actively shaping a comprehensive compliance framework, reinforcing our company’s commitment to ethical business conduct.

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

In 2024, our strategic priorities revolve around enhancing legal resilience and value creation. We are focused on optimising asset management through strategic divestments and ensuring regulatory compliance. Additionally, our emphasis on environmental sustainability and proactive management of lease contracts aligns with our commitment to responsible business practices. The establishment of a robust compliance framework remains a key priority, underpinning our dedication to ethical and lawful conduct in all facets of our operations.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

In 2024, a cause close to my heart involves championing women’s rights in the workplace, especially in environments predominantly influenced by male forces. I am passionate about fostering inclusivity, addressing gender disparities, and promoting equal opportunities. This commitment extends to initiatives aimed at advancing women’s rights in Türkiye, contributing to a more diverse, equitable, and empowered professional landscape.

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