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Türkiye 2024

Consumer products

Fatih Temur

Chief legal officer, board member | Neu Frame & Neu Solar


Türkiye 2024


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Fatih Temur

Chief legal officer, board member | Neu Frame & Neu Solar

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Our companies are in a high-growth phase and our team has been heavily involved in structuring international collaborations. Recently, we closed a complex transaction package involving an Italian company we previously financed through an investment agreement. This package included granting them a license for one of our innovative automation products.

The key complexity of the transaction was the multi-party aspect. While we licensed the product to the Italian company, they simultaneously granted a sublicense to a substantial Spanish holding company with over €500m in annual revenue. Furthermore, the Spanish company also made a strategic investment in the Italian company concurrently. In addition to the licensing agreement, we also established a robust supply chain to support the Italian company’s operations. The successful simultaneous closing of all these transactions ensured a seamless launch and maximised value for all parties involved.

In addition to this, we have another strategic transaction that involved a collaboration between Neu Solar and a Moroccan research entity on a potential thermal solar energy project in Morocco. Through this collaboration, we will supply the necessary equipment for a heliostat farm. This project not only represents significant growth potential for Neu Solar but also aligns with our commitment to sustainable energy solutions. The collaboration continues to evolve in a mutually beneficial manner.

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

In 2024, our team’s strategic priority is to ensure ‘safe growth’ for our companies. This translates into achieving ambitious market share goals for Neu Frame, our groundbreaking off-site construction concept while mitigating legal risks across all aspects of the business.

To achieve this, we are implementing a two-pronged legal strategy. Firstly, we are creating a new and scalable legal transactional structure that streamlines operations and facilitates rapid upsizing of Neu Frame’s business model. This includes developing standardised legal concepts, such as standardised intellectual property licensing agreements and local joint venture agreements, that can be applied across different jurisdictions. These standardised contracts will ensure the efficient onboarding of local architects while safeguarding both our architects’ and Neu Frame’s intellectual property rights in our online house builder tool, Neu Frame Builder.

Secondly, we are proactively identifying and mitigating potential legal risks associated with international expansion, such as compliance with local construction regulations in target markets.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

Certainly. I am deeply passionate about sustainability and environmental protection, both in my personal life and professional endeavors. The rapid pace of technological advancement, while offering solutions, can sometimes come at the expense of our environment. It is crucial to balance progress with responsible stewardship of our planet.

This passion is the key reason I was drawn to Neu Frame and Neu Solar. Both companies prioritise sustainability within their respective sectors. Neu Frame’s innovative off-site construction methods will contribute to a reduced environmental footprint in the building industry. Similarly, Neu Solar’s focus on thermal energy solutions directly addresses environmental concerns. I am proud to be part of teams that are actively working towards a more sustainable future.

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