Göknil Özcan – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024


Göknil Özcan

Legal manager | QNB Finasbank - Enpara.com


Türkiye 2024


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Göknil Özcan

Legal manager | QNB Finasbank - Enpara.com

Could you share with us the story of your path to becoming an in-house counsel? What motivated you to choose this career path? 

I started my career as a lawyer in a law firm and experienced their different corporate requirements when advising clients on day-to-day legal matters. During this couple of years, I was impressed by the skills that successful in-house lawyers to play a effective role by knowing the company’s background and current politics. This made me think that only if develop an in-depth knowledge of a company’s business and industry can provide have the opportunity to have a direct impact on the company’s business results and may better provide legal guidance. 

This perspective inspired me to pursue a career in to become a in-house counsel. In my opinion, becoming in- house counsel  is particularly meaningful to have a chance providing  legal advice in line with the company’s strategic objectives. I take great satisfaction when I have a role to play in driving business growth and success.  

In your role as an in-house counsel, what are the main responsibilities and tasks you handle on a day-to-day basis? 

I am currently working for Enpara.com the digital banking platform of QNB Finansbank that is planning the spin off from parent company and will continue as an independent company named Enpara Bank A.Ş (“project”) .  

As a team, we are working to meet all the procedures during the establishment phase of a new bank and we fulfill the legal requirements for Enpara Bank to obtain a banking license from the BRSA. Generally, my day to day moves around nowadays, guidance for digital product development and services requirements, creating and reviewing contracts, legal guidance to  information systems and technology processes and counselling regarding  data protection. 

My current role tasks include but  not limited to analysing the legal aspects of project requirements.. A typical day at the office ranges from analysing needs of the roadmap, and ensuring legal requirements.  

What are some of the key challenges you have faced as a rising star in-house counsel, and how have you overcome them?    

The framework in banking sector is quite dynamic from a regulatory perspective. Our sector is subject to constant regulatory changes, which leads us to adapt or pivot our business strategy as such amends take place. Therefore, you should keep staying proactive in professional development to stay abreast of legal changes. 

In that sense, some of the major challenges when your company wants to launch a new product or project, in addition to knowing the regulation, you should also have know-how about what is the regulation purpose, otherwise you may not be able to balance legal requirements and business priorities. To overcome these challenges the key has been effective communication, continuous learning and a proactive approach to legal issues aligned with the organization’s goals are necessary. Also quite important to overcome that challenges by actively participating in new regulations at the preliminary working stage. 

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