Müge Bulat Çetinkaya – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Materials and mining

Müge Bulat Çetinkaya

Head of legal and compliance | Borusan Pipe


Türkiye 2024


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Müge Bulat Çetinkaya

Head of legal and compliance | Borusan Pipe

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024? 

In recent years, the legal and compliance functions have become inseparable. For example, we, as the Legal Department, proactively initiate compliance programs addressing data protection and antitrust laws as part of our risk prevention strategy.

Business units’ awareness regarding the value of pre-emptive measures instituted by legal departments has also increased significantly. Hence, legal training and other preventative methods, like mock dawn raids (to better understand legal compliance positions), have entered the list of priority tasks rather than being considered “nice to haves.” From my perspective, dawn raids are much more effective than classic training programs and Q&As, as they allow one to observe a company’s compliance level more objectively.

Before training programs, organising meetings separately with each department helps draw up a workable road map. This provides on-the-ground understanding to design training that addresses real issues faced on a day-to-day basis.

I believe that organising in-person training programs is more effective than virtual ones, and implementing proper testing with mandatory minimum correct answers makes training more impactful. Additionally, providing training for newcomers within the first couple of weeks and periodic training for current employees, such as every three or six months depending on the need, are equally important and should be designed and implemented separately.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

Last year, I completed fifteen years as a lawyer, most of which I have spent as an in-house lawyer in various positions. This milestone led to a reflection on the potential benefits I could have received from the guidance of more experienced lawyers at the earlier stages of my career. After consulting a few colleagues, this personal reflection led to an initiative to start a mentorship program for in-house lawyers. I also observed that learning goes both ways; young lawyers benefit from the work and life experience of their mentors, while our more senior colleagues gain valuable insights on how to work with the younger generation as well as new trends and legal technology.

This is the second year of our in-house mentorship program, and our numbers have increased since last year. Currently, arrangements for mentor-mentee pairings have been concluded, with meetings already underway. Like last year, at the end of the mentorship program, we will get together at an event to celebrate our achievements and deepen our networks. Witnessing the real enthusiasm among the mentees has been profoundly rewarding, bolstering my motivation and affirming the value of this initiative.

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