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Türkiye 2024

Telecommunication services

Nuri Dogru

Director of legal affairs | Türk Telekom


Türkiye 2024

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Nuri Dogru

Director of legal affairs | Türk Telekom

Team size: 144 lawyers working under five directorates. Under my directorate, there are five managers and two group managers, with 72 employees, 62 of whom are lawyers.

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

The teams working under my directorate provide legal services to human resources, purchasing, finance, marketing, sales, corporate communication units, and Türk Telekom subsidiaries.

Türk Telekom offers innovative services in the fields of mobile, broadband, data, TV, fixed voice, and convergence technologies to its approximately 53 million subscribers. Additionally, the company is Turkey’s first and largest world-class integrated telecommunications operator. Depending on the size and business diversity of the company, the legal services provided have varied.

Türk Telekom plays a significant role in infrastructure investments as a leading company in Turkey’s digital transformation. During these investments, numerous procurement contracts, tender follow-ups, and collaboration agreements are made, all of which are closely monitored by our team, providing legal support at every step.

Türk Telekom is a company with very high brand value. All the necessary legal processes to protect its brands and patents and to strengthen its brand value are carried out by the legal teams. Additionally, it is among our responsibilities to handle lawsuits initiated by regulatory authorities in the telecommunications sector and to participate in collective bargaining negotiations with unions such as the Haber-İş Sendikası.

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

Türk Telekom is transforming its infrastructure from copper cable to fibre optic cable in line with worldwide technological advancements. Legal support is crucial in contract and project management throughout this transformation process. Furthermore, legal assistance is provided for corporate social responsibility projects undertaken by the company.

Legal support is also extended to projects and contract processes related to the development of next-generation technologies such as 5G. Additionally, contributions are made to solutions that increase efficiency and facilitate life through projects developed in smart factories.

Türk Telekom’s international activities, conducted through its subsidiaries, also receive legal support. In this context, the international activities and contract processes of Türk Telekom International are closely monitored.

Furthermore, legal support is provided in human resources processes for over 30,000 employees across our company and its subsidiaries. Moreover, legal consultancy services are offered for domestic and international debt instrument issuance processes. Türk Telekom continues to maintain a strong corporate structure through the diverse legal support it provides in these various areas.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

Another passion of mine is playing golf, a pursuit that mirrors the strategic intricacies and disciplined approach I bring to my role as a legal affairs director. Additionally, I serve as the chairman of the supervisory board in the Turkish Golf Federation and as a board member of the Golf Club.

Golf demands meticulous planning, precise execution, and the ability to navigate obstacles with finesse – qualities essential in legal directorship. The discipline and focus honed on the golf course translates seamlessly into my professional endeavours, fostering a methodical approach to problem-solving and a resilient mindset in facing challenges. Moreover, the camaraderie and networking opportunities inherent in golfing enrich my professional relationships, creating synergies between my personal passion and professional success.

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