Özlem Akyüz Atamer – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Materials and mining

Özlem Akyüz Atamer

Head of legal | Kale Grubu


Türkiye 2024


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Özlem Akyüz Atamer

Head of legal | Kale Grubu

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in? 

We have many companies operating in different fields within Kale Group and our legal team provides support to all of them. 

We have taken part in many transactions in local and international investments.  Establishing a new company and including all the transactions abroad were a very challenging issue for us due to the restrictive provisions of the local regulations for foreign investors. We negotiated all details of the transaction and restructured the company.  We were all satisfied at the end of the transaction. 

We also have been involved in the operation of the initial public offering of the biggest company of our group. This has been a milestone in the history of our group. This is our first established one. Therefore, we are all proud of being a part of this journey. 

Throughout your career, what principles or values have guided your approach to leadership and decision-making within the legal department, and how do you believe they have contributed to your success? 

In my profession, I believe in solidarity rather than competition. My basic principle is to share and communicate every issue sincerely and openly. The first tool is to encourage questioning of everything through open communication, then to establish this culture. 

Moreover, if we are fully aware of what is happening, we can analyse it and produce solutions. Under these circumstances we can solve or at least mitigate the risk. Being trustworthy in every situation is the key to our job. 

As someone who has achieved remarkable success in the legal profession, what advice would you offer to aspiring general counsels or young legal professionals seeking to make a meaningful impact in their careers? 

I would like to share a few tips to keep in mind: The first is to listen deeply to the person and the subject without prejudice. The second is to question the issue holistically and discuss it with all the related parties. The last one is to be fair in case the decision bothers you. We have a very delicate professional position where all the parties may be satisfied with the outcome of transactions. Only if you are impartial, can people trust your judgment and accept your assessment. 

We work under stress at work. It is always a substantial asset to stay calm, then assessing problems. Meanwhile, it is also very important to know that no matter in which circumstances you are, a solution can always be found.  You are always alone with yourself in all the hard conditions, stressful moments and in case of negative times.  Self-motivation and motion are the close friends of success. Never give up and keep going on. 

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