Yasemin Alpan – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Consumer products

Yasemin Alpan

Senior legal counsel | CarrefourSA


Türkiye 2024


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Yasemin Alpan

Senior legal counsel | CarrefourSA

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

CarrefourSA is a subsidiary of one of Europe’s leading retail chains, the preferred shopping destination for an average of two billion people, and a cornerstone of modern retailing worldwide. Due to the competitive and dynamic nature of the sector, we participated in a merger and acquisition transaction carried out by the client company to adapt to changing conditions and advance its position in the industry. This transaction, closely related to the retail sector, led to high-value litigation that was ultimately settled in favour of the client company.

In addition, the workload of the legal team has increased due to many new regulations and changes to statutes closely related to the retail sector, which have brought about radical changes. The demands on the business units are also constantly increasing. In this respect, we have continuously adapted and developed to meet these requirements.

Finally, the franchise system, introduced by the client for the first time in the food retail sector in 2020, was managed together with the relevant internal units, reaching 410 franchisees. As is well known, franchise agreements are sui generis agreements that are not clearly defined in Turkish law. This has necessitated continuous research, preventive legal monitoring, and development.

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

The client company handles an average of 15,000 to 20,000 contracts per year. These contracts need to be classified, tracked, reviewed, approved, archived, and processed in a way that avoids paper waste. In a developing and globalising world, it has become necessary to track all work online. Therefore, the client company has implemented a system similar to a “Legal Automation System,” which facilitates the tracking of the aforementioned tasks and transactions and reduces email correspondence.

In addition to the legal team, the system also allows the business units to access contracts and necessary information within the limits of the authorisations defined by the legal team. This ensures confidentiality and data security while facilitating fast and harmonious cooperation between the business units and the legal team.

What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?

As legal counsel, I advise the company I represent on the principles of justice, equality, and integrity. These principles are designed to bring about policy changes needed to combat discrimination, be accessible to those in need, ensure access to legal aid, and improve legal systems. The concept of ’cause’ can be understood in different contexts, and in my opinion, the main purpose of all of this, both as an individual and in my capacity as legal counsel, is to achieve a sense of satisfaction and happiness. However, the happiness and satisfaction I feel from contributing to the full compliance of the client company with the law, the high loyalty of its employees, and its successful position among industry players is my primary purpose and motivation.

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