Carolina María Herrera Otero – GC Powerlist
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Uruguay 2022

Transport and infrastructure

Carolina María Herrera Otero

Legal director and insitutional relations | Corporación América


Uruguay 2022

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Carolina María Herrera Otero

Legal director and insitutional relations | Corporación América

First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?

Due to the impact of the pandemic, we reached out to the government seeking the economic and financial re-equilibrium of the Carrasco Airport. The solution implemented a newly introduced law, passed on December 18th, 2020, which created the National System of International Airports – known as SINAI. Such regulation aimed to develop certain airports within the Uruguayan country. It granted the Uruguayan executive power the authority to modify and supplement existing concessions for the construction, maintenance and exploitation, jointly or separately, of airports within the SINAI. Under the scope of the SINAI, we negotiated an amendment to the Carrasco Airport Concession Agreement with the Uruguayan Ministry of Defence, which modified the concession agreement with Puerta del Sur by, among other things, (i) extending the term of the concession agreement to an additional 20 years (until November 20th, 2053) (ii) incorporating into the concession six new airports to manage and operate them throughout all of the concession terms, and (iii) requiring our company to make capital expenditures in connection with the development of such new airports of US$67.0 m between 2022 and 2028. Furthermore, specific government regulations were required to implement such amendments and authorisations.

As part of the implementation of the SiNAI, the company had a change of brand to “Aeropuertos Uruguay” since it now has the concession of eight airports — Carrasco, Punta del Este, Durazno, Melo, Rivera, Salto, Paysandú and Carmelo.

At the same time, we were negotiating the amendment concession agreement. To make the capital expenditures referred to above, we also structured a very successful exchange offer and consent solicitation of ACI Airport Sudamérica and the cancellation of local bonds of Puerta del Sur.

We are currently taking possession of each of the six airports and starting the construction works, which require negotiation of construction contracts, goods supply contracts, services agreements, governmental authorisations, expropriations and other related matters.

We have also been pivotal in structuring and negotiating with the government the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines in Uruguay throughout our cargo terminal in the International Airport of Uruguay and the installation of a vaccination centre in such airport, which required the negotiation of agreements with the Uruguayan Ministry of Public Health and other governmental entities, as well as the involvement of third parties involved in the distribution chain. We obtained special recognition for the Covid-19 vaccine distribution strategy. Pharma Aero issued a white paper concerning this successful case that enabled the vaccines to arrive at the airport and go directly to the patients.

We helped our traditional cargo terminal in the International Airport of Uruguay to broaden its activities to include a Pharma Hub, enabling top pharmaceuticals to install their hub operations in the International Airport of Uruguay. This required negotiations of agreements with the pharmaceuticals, governmental approvals and regulations, and carrying out works of infrastructure by way of construction agreements. As part of the implementation of the Pharma Hub, the company had a change of brand to “Latin America Cargo City” since it now enables operations of several related companies.

Additionally, we have helped our traditional cargo terminal in the International Airport of Uruguay to broaden its activities to include also Cannabis, enabling hub operations of cannabis products in the International Airport of Uruguay to comply with international regulations. This required governmental approvals and regulations that positioned Uruguay as a cannabis logistics hub.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?

I care about women’s equality in the workplace. Therefore, I try to encourage women to seek their place at work and be a mentor or at least help them in their careers. I also care about the environment and seek changes in my “day-to-day” to help the planet by recycling and using bar shampoos and other materials.

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