Director of legal affairs and compliance | Enjoy Punta del Este Resort & Casino
Ismael Pignatta Sánchez
Director of legal affairs and compliance | Enjoy Punta del Este Resort & Casino
First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?
The last few months have been the toughest times for our company ever, due to the pandemic, as we had to suspend our operations for the first time in 25 years. During that period, we had to successfully negotiate with the government, different alternatives to protect our employees. Also, negotiate with all our counterparts, mainly suppliers, to postpone many of our obligations without any legal consequences for the company, while we were closed, and keeping our good relationship with each one of them. The reopening was a huge challenge and to date we have managed to meet our budget.
What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?
To understand the legal department’s role within a company. We must participate throughout every operation, without ever being noticed. We are a company which provide services, and our business seeks excellence in every single step. Our role is to provide proper expertise so our commercial team to shine.
What can law firms do to improve their service to the legal department?
The key is always results. Paying for external services’ results is essential. We also look for personalized services and for being treated as the firm’s most important client. Communication is essential.
Director of legal affairs and compliance | BALUMA (HOTEL CONRAD)