Verónica Burgueño – GC Powerlist
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Uruguay 2022

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Verónica Burgueño

Legal director - general counsel | Henderson & Cía - Tienda Inglesa


Uruguay 2022

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Verónica Burgueño

Legal director - general counsel | Henderson & Cía - Tienda Inglesa

In what ways do you see the in-house legal role evolving in your region over the next few years?

Over the past 15 years, the in-house legal role has been quickly developing in Uruguay, and nowadays – as it is happening in other countries, “millennial” lawyers are leaving traditional law firms and starting a career as in-house counsel, so this is just the beginning.

I started my first position as in-house counsel in the local Coca-Cola Bottler in 2006. Some friends and colleagues did not understand why I was leaving the law firm I was working in, as this type of movement was not expected. Lawyers were supposed to be litigators, just prepared to do only all the subjects related to that type of role.

Before the pandemic, with another colleague, I began the enterprise of starting a local corporate lawyers’ association. To our surprise, we had a first event where over 70 in-house counsels came. To our surprise, 30 other lawyers registered after the event and mentioned being interested in the initiative.

So, over the next few years, I foresee that all these Uruguayan in-house lawyers will undoubtedly keep on redefining the way business is done, will continue to be part of the decision-making processes and change the way our role is perceived –in-house lawyers shall have the ability to understand the business and procure the best legal advice timely keeping the business objectives at all times.

In addition, more international companies are opening offices in Uruguay and developing the ESG Principles. I also perceive that our roles will indeed include compliance and ethical issues, so one of the key objectives of all legal departments is assuring that businesses comply with high ethical standards.

Have any new laws, regulations or judicial decisions greatly impacted your company’s business or your legal practice?

The amendment of the Competition Law Act has dramatically impacted our business and our legal practice.

From April 2020, every M&A process we are part of, regardless of the size of the business we are buying, needs to be pre-approved by the Competition Authority.

It is relevant to mention that since the new shareholders came to Tienda Inglesa, almost 40 new businesses are now part of the group and were all incorporated by the work of the in-house legal team. This impacts the documentation and information that needs to be filed before the commission, the time it takes the process to end, and the additional information that needs to be presented in case there is a challenge.

If you had to give advice to an aspiring in-house lawyer or general counsel, what would it be and why?

Understand the business you are working intensely with, and learn from the business operators all that you can so that you may provide the best possible legal advice.

Try every day to be more of a business leader and less of a lawyer without forgetting the legal perspective.

The aim shall be to be regarded as an important voice to hear in the company’s decision-making process and not a detractor.

To own your place on the board and be respected.

Follow your instinct and do what is right even when no one is watching. Walk the talk.

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