Green Guide Profile: Roythornes Solicitors

UK agricultural specialist law firm Roythornes Solicitors works closely with farmers and others who look after the land to help maintain the environment and continue to produce food.

The firm is increasingly involved with clients in the clean energy sector on some nationally significant infrastructure projects. In a current highlight, it is supporting a consortium of landowners regarding a solar and battery-led generation scheme with a 600MW export across c. 3000 acres.

In the promotion of biodiversity in the UK the firm assists developers and landowners in drawing up long-term leases for habitat and woodland protection and creation, ensuring the allocation of biodiversity units to meet local planning authority biodiversity net-gain requirements. The team is also advising on and drawing up supply-shed contracts between funders, aggregators and growers to promote sustainable farming practices and tackle greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity.

At an internal level, the firm’s green team, which is comprised of employees across the business, coordinates environmental activities and staff engagement projects. The firm has also been a participating member of the Investors in the Environment (IIE) accreditation scheme since 2013 through which it has been awarded ‘green’ status each year.

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