Japan: Investment Treaty Arbitration

This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of Investment Treaty Arbitration laws and regulations applicable in Japan.

  1. Has your home state signed and / or ratified the ICSID Convention? If so, has the state made any notifications and / or designations on signing or ratifying the treaty?

  2. Has your home state signed and / or ratified the New York Convention? If so, has it made any declarations and / or reservations on signing or ratifying the treaty?

  3. Does your home state have a Model BIT? If yes, does the Model BIT adopt or omit any language which restricts or broadens the investor's rights?

  4. Please list all treaties facilitating investments (e.g. BITs, FTAs, MITs) currently in force that your home state has signed and / or ratified. To what extent do such treaties adopt or omit any of the language in your state's Model BIT or otherwise restrict or broaden the investor's rights? In particular: a) Has your state exercised termination rights or indicated any intention to do so? If so, on what basis (e.g. impact of the Achmea decisions, political opposition to the Energy Charter Treaty, or other changes in policy)? b) Do any of the treaties reflect (i) changes in environmental and energy policies, (ii) the advent of emergent technology, (iii) the regulation of investment procured by corruption, and (iv) transparency of investor state proceedings (whether due to the operation of the Mauritius Convention or otherwise). c) Does your jurisdiction publish any official guidelines, notes verbales or diplomatic notes concerning the interpretation of treaty provisions and other issues arising under the treaties?

  5. Does your home state have any legislation / instrument facilitating direct foreign investment. If so: a) Please list out any formal criteria imposed by such legislation / instrument (if any) concerning the admission and divestment of foreign investment; b) Please list out what substantive right(s) and protection(s) foreign investors enjoy under such legislation / instrument; c) Please list out what recourse (if any) a foreign investor has against the home state in respect of its rights under such legislation / instrument; and d) Does this legislation regulate the use of third-party funding and other non-conventional means of financing.

  6. Has your home state appeared as a respondent in any investment treaty arbitrations? If so, please outline any notable practices adopted by your state in such proceedings (e.g. participation in proceedings, jurisdictional challenges, preliminary applications / objections, approach to awards rendered against it, etc.)

  7. Has jurisdiction been used to seat non-ICSID investment treaty proceedings? If so, please provide details.

  8. Please set out (i) the interim and / or preliminary measures available in your jurisdiction in support of investment treaty proceedings, and (ii) the court practice in granting such measures.

  9. Please set out any default procedures applicable to appointment of arbitrators and also the Court's practice of invoking such procedures particularly in the context of investment treaty arbitrations seated in your home state.

  10. In the context of awards issued in non-ICSID investment treaty arbitrations seated in your jurisdiction, please set out (i) the grounds available in your jurisdiction on which such awards can be annulled or set aside, and (ii) the court practice in applying these grounds.

  11. In the context of ICSID awards, please set out: (i) the grounds available in your jurisdiction on which such awards can be challenged and (ii) the court practice in applying these grounds.

  12. To what extent can sovereign immunity (from suit and/or execution) be invoked in your jurisdiction in the context of enforcement of investment treaty awards.

  13. Please outline the grounds on which recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards can be resisted under any relevant legislation or case law. Please also set out any notable examples of how such grounds have been applied in practice.

  14. Please outline the practice in your jurisdiction, as requested in the above question, but in relation to non-ICSID investment treaty awards.

  15. To what extent does your jurisdiction permit awards against states to be enforced against state-owned assets or the assets of state-owned or state-linked entities?

  16. Please highlight any recent trends, legal, political or otherwise, that might affect your jurisdiction's use of arbitration generally or ISDS specifically.

  17. Please highlight any other investment treaty related developments in your jurisdiction to the extent not covered above (for e.g., impact of the Achmea decisions, decisions concerning treaty interpretation, appointment of and challenges to arbitrators, immunity of arbitrators, third-party funding and other non-conventional means of financing such proceedings).