Sweden: Joint Ventures

This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of Joint Ventures laws and regulations applicable in Sweden.

  1. In what industries or sectors are joint ventures most commonly used in your jurisdiction?

  2. What are the main types of joint venture in your jurisdiction?

  3. What types of corporate vehicle are most frequently used for equity joint ventures?

  4. What are the key factors which influence the structure of the joint venture and the choice of joint venture vehicle?

  5. What are the principal legal documents which set out the terms of a joint venture and how does the constitution of the joint venture vehicle interact with the joint venture agreement?

  6. How long does it typically take to form a joint venture in your jurisdiction?

  7. Is using a corporate joint venture structure effective in shielding the joint venture parties from liabilities for the operations of the joint venture entity under local law?

  8. Are there any legal considerations which apply to the financing of the joint venture or the contribution of assets to it?

  9. What protections under local law apply to minority shareholders and what additional or enhanced minority protection mechanisms are typically agreed between the joint venture parties?

  10. What are the duties of directors of an equity joint venture, including in relation to conflicts of interest?

  11. What is the typical structure of a joint venture's management body/board?

  12. Does local law imply any fiduciary duties or duties of good faith between the parties to a joint venture?

  13. Do any restrictions, such as foreign direct investment rules, apply to foreign joint venture parties?

  14. What competition law considerations apply to the set up and operation of a joint venture?

  15. Are there requirements to disclose the ultimate beneficial ownership of a joint venture entity?

  16. What issues relating to the ownership and licensing of intellectual property rights generally apply to the set up and termination of a joint venture?

  17. What legal considerations apply when transferring employees into a joint venture?

  18. Do any additional requirements apply to joint ventures when a joint venture party is a publicly listed company?

  19. What are the key tax considerations for both the joint venture parties and the joint venture vehicle itself?

  20. Are there any legal restrictions on the distribution of profits by a joint venture entity?

  21. How are deadlocks in decision making usually dealt with in a joint venture agreement?

  22. What exit or termination provisions are typically included in a joint venture agreement?

  23. What restrictions under local law apply when joint venture parties agree to restrictive covenants eg non-compete or non-solicitation obligations?

  24. What dispute resolution mechanisms usually apply to joint ventures and are there any legal restrictions on the parties' choice of governing law or choice of dispute resolution mechanism?

  25. What are the key market trends affecting joint ventures in your jurisdiction and how do you see these changing over the next year?