
partner bilge derinbay describes the firm’s current vision and core values by touching the effects of the technological developments on legal services sector.

gheorghe buta, senior partner of popescu & asociatii, explains how the firm is growing at an accelerated, but solid rhythm, based on essential values such as rigor and dedication.

founder and partner merete larsen on the importance of sustainable legal practices – the esg agenda being equally important to clients and trusted advisors

partner siranus hahamian explains how the firm is adapting to market continuous changes and the geopolitical context created by the war in ukraine.

managing partner oleksiy feliv explains how integrites went through the year of war in ukraine

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thelegal500 interviewed attorney fábio medina osório, partner of medina osório advogados, former federal attorney general (2016) of brazil, phd in administrative law from the complutense university of madrid and former district attorney in the state of rio grande do sul.

in this interview, medina osório analyzes the brazilian landscape in light of the brazilian anticorruption law (law 12,846/2013), considering the requirements of effective compliance and the fragmentation of the supervisory bodies.

medina osório advises: companies investing in brazil must necessarily adapt to the requirements of the brazilian anticorruption law. fábio medina osório is considered one of the leading experts in anticorruption legislation in brazil, having published the books “teoria da improbidade administrativa” (theory of administrative impropriety) and “direito administrativo sancionador” (sanctioning administrative law), both published by revista dos tribunais (journal of the courts).

in this interview, we had the opportunity to gather some of his impressions about the brazilian anticorruption law.