Gambling in Spain: Advertising and Anti-Money Laundering


The gambling industry in Spain has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the introduction of new regulations governing advertising and anti-money laundering (AML) measures. These regulations aim to protect players, prevent fraud, and ensure the integrity of the gambling sector as well as regulate the growth of the number of new casinos in Spain.

Advertising Regulations for Online Gambling

The Royal Decree 958/2020, enacted in November 2020, introduced comprehensive advertising regulations for online casinos in Spain. Please click here to find the list of new online casinos is Spain. The decree aims to minimize the impact of gambling advertising on vulnerable individuals and ensure that promotions are fair and transparent. Key provisions:

  • Time Restrictions: Gambling advertisements are now restricted to specific time slots, typically during late-night hours, to minimize exposure to children and teenagers.

  • Content Limitations: Advertisements must avoid suggesting that gambling is a viable solution to financial problems, guarantee success, or enhance personal skills. They are also prohibited from featuring celebrities or sports figures who might influence young audiences.

  • Sponsorship Bans: Sports sponsorships by gambling companies, especially those involving teams and events popular among younger audiences, are now largely prohibited. This measure aims to reduce the visibility of gambling brands in sports contexts where they might attract underage individuals.

Anti-Money Laundering Measures

In line with international AML standards, Spanish gambling operators are required to implement robust AML procedures to prevent the use of their platforms for money laundering and terrorist financing. These measures include:

  • Enhanced Due Diligence: Gambling operators are required to conduct thorough due diligence on their customers, especially those engaging in high-value transactions. This involves verifying the identity of players, assessing the risk of money laundering, and monitoring ongoing transactions for suspicious activity.

  • Reporting Obligations: Operators must report any suspicious transactions or activities to the relevant authorities promptly. This includes maintaining comprehensive records of all transactions that exceed certain thresholds and cooperating fully with AML investigations.

  • Internal Controls: Companies are mandated to establish robust internal controls and training programs to ensure staff are well-versed in AML practices and can effectively identify and mitigate potential risks.

Offshore Operators

Unlicensed offshore gambling operators who offer their services to Spanish residents may face significant penalties. The Spanish Gambling Act prohibits the provision of gambling services without a valid license from the General Directorate for Gambling Regulation (DGOJ).

Objectives of the New Regulations

The overarching goals of these regulations are multifaceted:

  • Player Protection: By regulating advertising and enhancing AML practices, the government aims to safeguard players from the potential harms associated with gambling, such as addiction and financial loss.

  • Fraud Prevention: The measures are designed to create a more secure gambling environment by preventing fraudulent activities, including money laundering and financing of illegal enterprises.

  • Sector Integrity: Ensuring the integrity of the gambling sector is paramount. By fostering transparency and accountability, these regulations help build trust among consumers and stakeholders, ultimately contributing to a more stable and reputable industry.

Impact on New Online Casinos and Challenges

Consequences for business:

  • Fines: Operators may be fined up to €500,000 for each unlicensed activity.

  • Disqualification: Operators may be disqualified from obtaining a Spanish license in the future.

  • Blocking: Access to unlicensed websites may be blocked by Spanish internet service providers.

 The new regulations have had a significant impact on the emerging new online casino market in Spain. Operators must comply with strict advertising and AML requirements to obtain and maintain a license.


  • Marketing Restrictions: Operators face challenges in promoting their services within the limitations imposed by advertising regulations.

  • Compliance Costs: Implementing robust AML procedures can be costly for new operators with limited resources.

  • Competition from Unlicensed Operators: Unlicensed offshore operators continue to offer their services to Spanish players, posing a competitive threat to licensed casinos.


The new gambling regulations in Spain aim to protect players and ensure the industry’s integrity. Advertising restrictions minimize the potential for harm to vulnerable individuals, while AML measures prevent the use of gambling platforms for illicit activities. New online casinos must navigate these regulations to succeed in the Spanish market. By complying with the requirements, operators can demonstrate their commitment to responsible gambling and contribute to a safe and fair gaming environment.

France’s Approach to Gambling Law and Litigation

Lawyers Representing Clients in Gambling Litigation

In the evolving legal landscape of the betting and gaming industry, the expertise of law firms like Gibson Dunn underscores this sector’s complexity and global reach. Gibson Dunn represents a spectrum of clients, from high-stakes casino operators to state governments. Their success stories, including pivotal roles in repealing the US federal limits on sports betting, highlight the nuanced challenges and opportunities in gambling litigation.

Navigating Regulatory and Compliance Challenges

Regulatory and compliance issues represent a significant facet of gambling litigation. The legal terrain here is intricate, with jurisdictions across Europe, Asia, and the Americas having their distinctive regulations. In particular, attorneys must adeptly navigate these differences, especially in regions like France, where regulatory bodies such as the ARJEL (Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne) impose strict online gaming laws. Success in this arena has led firms like Gibson Dunn to be recognized as leaders in regulatory lawyering within the gambling industry, earning accolades like the “Best Regulatory Lawyer or Law Firm of the Year” by Gambling Compliance in 2018.

Online casinos represent a burgeoning segment of the gambling industry, subject to rapidly evolving legal frameworks and regulatory scrutiny. You can check online casino jouerenlignefr to try any casino games for French-speaking players and find more information about local online gaming law. Navigating this digital terrain requires specialized legal insight and an understanding of international online gambling laws.

Handling High-Profile Gambling Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions in the gambling sector often involve substantial financial stakes and regulatory scrutiny. Attorneys play a critical role in advising clients on these high-profile transactions, ensuring compliance with local and international laws. France, for example, has seen a significant transformation in its gambling landscape, following the privatization and subsequent merger activities involving its state-run lottery operator Française des Jeux (FDJ). Lawyers specializing in this field must possess a deep understanding of the sector’s dynamics, enabling them to navigate complex negotiations and regulatory approvals effectively.

Litigating Gambling-Related Crimes

The expansion of legalized gambling has inevitably led to an increase in gambling-related crimes. Legal professionals face the challenging task of defending clients who have committed these crimes, often as a result of gambling addiction. France provides a compelling case study with its unique approach to gambling disorders recognized under public health. French law, for instance, permits self-exclusion programs, allowing individuals to voluntarily ban themselves from gambling establishments to prevent addiction-related crimes. Attorneys defending such cases must focus not only on the legal defense but also on advocating for comprehensive treatment and support for their clients. This dual approach underscores the importance of recognizing gambling disorder as a serious condition that influences behavior and decision-making.

Levering Expert Testimony and Gambling Counselors

In cases involving gambling disorders, the importance of expert testimony and assessments by certified gambling counselors cannot be overstated. These professionals provide critical insights into the defendant’s condition, helping to establish the connection between the gambling disorder and the commission of the crime. The French model, which incorporates gambling addiction treatment within its public healthcare system, offers an example of a holistic approach to addressing the root causes of gambling-related legal issues. Lawyers representing clients in such cases must ensure that these assessments and testimonies are effectively integrated into their defense strategy, advocating for treatments that address both the legal and health-related aspects of gambling addiction.


Representing clients in gambling litigation entails addressing a myriad of complex legal, regulatory, and psychological factors. Law firms like Gibson Dunn exemplify the multifaceted expertise required to navigate this challenging landscape successfully. From intricate regulatory compliance issues to advocating for clients with gambling disorders, attorneys must be adept at managing diverse and complex cases. The comprehensive approach adopted by countries like France, which integrates legal, regulatory, and health-related strategies in addressing gambling issues, serves as a guiding framework for legal professionals worldwide. As the legal landscape of the gambling industry continues to evolve, so too must the strategies employed by lawyers representing clients within this dynamic and challenging field.