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Posse Herrera Ruiz

Barranquilla, Colombia
+2 other locations
  • Bogota, Colombia
  • Medellin, Colombia
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Advised in the assessment of available legal alternatives for obtaining its environmental authorizations and permits, required for developing its placer mining operations, in an efficient and effective way, to adequately cover all its productive activities and meet the environmental authorities’ requirements and technical standards.


We have advised Unilever Andina on all day-to-day environmental matters relating to its manufacturing operations and the management of controlled substances required for its production processes, in order to ensure its compliance with laws and regulations applicable to its activities while avoiding the occurrence of possible legal contingencies.

Within this advisory, we have also assisted Unilever Andina with the legal aspects of the transfer and reorganization of its environmental assets, including, among others, its key operating environmental permits and authorizations, as a result of its merger with Unilever Colombia SCC SAS in an M&A operation. Unilever Colombia SCC SAS was the company which formerly developed the manufacturing activities in Colombia.

In addition, we have advised Unilever Andina on the transfer of some of its environmental assets due to the sale of one of its production plants, located in Cali, to the internationally recognized dairy company Upfield, which seeks to consolidate its presence in Colombia.


SeaOne incorporated a special purpose vehicle company in Colombia -Sociedad Portuaria Energética Multipropósito y Contenedores Puerto Solo Buenaventura S A-, which is the concessionaire to whom the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) awarded the 30-year port concession for structuring and construction of the Puerto Solo Energy Hub, to be established in the municipality of Buenaventura as a first-level complex for the export, storage and distribution of oil and gas and its refined products.

We have advised the Colombian entity on the compliance and management of its legal and contractual environmental obligations and duties as a port concessionaire, in order to seek an adequate contractual performance and prevent any contractual breaches or legal violations.

Moreover, we have also advised the company on the administration and operation of the project’s environmental license, granted by the National Environmental Licenses Agency (ANLA), whose potential breach may imply the commission of an environmental infringement and consequently the imposition of fines of up to USD1,2 million.


Energo-Pro Colombia is currently acquiring and developing various hydroelectric projects in Colombia. We have advised the company on the review and assessment of the applicable environmental requirements for the development of these projects, so it can assess any material aspects, legal risks or contingencies related to the projects’ environmental dimension, to consider its potential acquisition and/or financing.

We recently advised Energo-Pro Colombia on the negotiation of a private agreement to be entered into with Hidroeléctrica Ituango S.A. E.S.P (the company developing the important energy generation project called “Hidroituango” in Antioquia), whose object is to partially assign the Hidroituango’s environmental license to  Energo-Pro Colombia for the latter to be able to have access to certain lands formerly used and occupied by Hidroeléctrica Ituango S.A. E.S.P to construct the powerhouse for the Chorreritas hydroelectric power plant, which is the first energy generation project to be operated by our Client in Colombia.


We have provided day-to-day legal advice to Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales in connection with its ordinary operations’ environmental aspects, including, for instance: the issuance and monitoring of the required environmental permits and authorizations; the compliance of its obligations under these permits and authorizations, and the applicable environmental law and regulation; the preparation of continuous communications and requests submitted before the national environmental agency; and, different consultations on the applicable environmental regulatory framework for advancing in operational and maintenance works.

Recently, we advised Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales on the design and structuring of the most-convenient legal alternatives to undertaking a wastewater treatment and water reuse project to be developed in one of the licensed facilities belonging to the Client.

The purpose of this unprecedented project is for Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales to be able to provide water supply services to an oil and gas company for their production activities in an oil field adjacent to the Client’s facilities.


Team Services

Posse Herrera Ruiz’s Environment and Sustainability practice is a market leader, offering advisory services in transactional, permitting, sanctioning, and social matters in every economic sector. Our Firm advises national and international clients in identifying and mitigating environmental and social legal risks. We regularly design strategies allowing clients to develop their projects in compliance with environmental regulations, while also incorporating ESG standards in their activities.