Meet the team
Team Services
Our experience also covers compulsory purchase and appropriation, highways, environment and energy matters, building regulations, affordable housing and judicial review.
It provides a comprehensive service to clients, providing pragmatic and commercial advice on both contentious and non-contentious aspects of these areas of law.
We advise on a range of issues including:
- Section 106 legal agreements
- The Community Infrastructure Levy
- Planning appeals and public inquiries
- Compulsory purchase and appropriation
- Affordable housing
- Listed building and conservation area matters
- Planning policy, including the National Planning Policy Framework and Neighbourhood Plans
- Strategic planning advice in the context of commercial property transactions
- Planning applications and applications for certificates of lawful existing or proposed use and development
- Planning enforcement
- Tree preservation orders
- Advertisement consents
- Judicial review claims against the grant of planning permission
- Building regulations
- Highways stopping up and diversion orders
- Highways agreements under Section 278 and Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980