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Dzungsrt & Associates LLC

Hanoi, Vietnam
+1 other location
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Assisted a leading grain processor in Southeast Asia in handling two complex allision cases involving their port in Vietnam with the value of dispute more than 100 million USD.

Assisted a Thailand-origin construction materials and services group in an arrest against a Chinese tanker due to an allision with their local port with the value of dispute more than 20 million USD.

Assisted Clubs and Members to release a ship arrested in Vietnam and release their crew members from a potential criminal case due to a serious collision case with a local ship with a total claim amount over USD 1.7 million.

Assisted Club and Member in working with the local authorities to get the permission on disposing of the plastic scraps shipments and long staying shipments at local ports of Vietnam for an multinational shipping lines

Assisted the prestigious Danish shipping line in an alleged allision case involving one of their container ship within Vietnamese waters.



Team Services

Over 2 decades present in the market, Dzungsrt & Associates LLC’s shipping team has been growing constantly to live up its long-standing tradition. The shipping team is based in Ho Chi Minh City, the econimic hub and port city in the south of Vietnam, led by Partner Tran Ha Han and Partner Vu Phuong Trang. Its shipping practice further expands to Hanoi and is in good hands with Partner Dang Vu Minh Ha. The team expertise covers a wide range of shipping issues, including solution for unclaimed cargo, ship arrest and release, settlement of cargo dispute, collision and allision dispute, marine insurance dispute, ship building, ship sale, to name a few.

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