McCullough Robertson is a significant player in the small to mid-cap sector, particularly in IPOs and secondary capital raisings. The team also brings expertise in alternative capital management strategies, including consolidations, buy-backs, and restructurings. Ben Wood has a deep understanding of start-ups and early-stage companies. Aaron Dahl regularly represents both listed and unlisted clients in the resources, property, and pharmaceutical sectors. Reece Walker oversees capital raising and corporate needs for his long-term ASX-listed clients.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Highly practical and pragmatic team with a focus on business centric outcomes. Very good value for money.’

  • ‘Reece Walker, Ben Wood and Naomi Omundson stand out as people who grasp the practical realities of commercial activities, and what is needed to effectively and efficiently find solutions to problems and execute those plans.' 

Key clients

  • Radiopharm Theranostics
  • Toys 'R' Us ANZ
  • Imugene
  • Implicit Bioscience
  • Diatreme Resources
  • Group 6 Metals
  • Chimeric Therapeutics
  • Beaten Zone Venture Partners
  • TEN13
  • Transition Level Investments
  • Technology One
  • Wagners Holding Company

Work highlights

  • Advising Radiopharm Theranostics on its A$12.5 million capital raise with Lind Partners.
  • Advising Group 6 Metals on its A$30 million capital raising.
  • Advising Toys ‘R’ Us concerning its capital raising.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Reece Walker

Other key lawyers

Ben Wood, Aaron Dahl, Naomi Omundson, Laryssa Perkins, Matthew Stewart, Adam Kearney, Lisselle Lomax