The tax practice at DLA Piper, which is led by Jock McCormack, regularly assists with the full range of tax matters pertaining to transactions in the real estate, funds, and energy and resources sectors. Eddie Ahn handles funds transactions, while Adam Smith leads on income tax and stamp duty matters. Jun Au brings expertise in corporate structuring and M&A.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘This is an amazing team. They balance the workload well.'

  • ‘Adam Smith is commercial, on top of changes in law and also keeps track of government and tax authority focus areas to predict what areas will become key issues in the future. He manages his team incredibly well and his turn around speeds are very fast.' 

Key clients

  • Valparaiso Australia Pty Ltd
  • Cobra Instalaciones Y Servicios
  • Fargher Aither Pty Ltd
  • Technology Metals Australia Limited
  • Pengana Credit Pty Ltd
  • Hydrostor Australia Pty Ltd
  • Novo Nordisk A/S

Work highlights

  • Advising Valparaiso on the sale of its student accommodation business, Student One, to Blackstone for AUD500 million.
  • Advising Technology Metals on its merger with Australian Vanadium via a scheme of arrangement.


Next Generation Partners
Junior partners with significant recognition from clients and peers in the market and key roles on multiple matters.
Adam Smith
DLA Piper

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Jock McCormack

Other key lawyers

Eddie Ahn, Adam Smith, Jun Au