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As well as handling a plethora of complex cartel investigations and abuse of dominance cases, contrast is regularly instructed to act in interim measures cases before the Belgian Competition Authority. The firm has also carved out a niche for itself in high-level sports disputes where competition law issues are in issue. The core senior bench comprises founding partner Filip Tuytschaever, merger control expert Herlinde Burez, and newly promoted partner Sébastien Engelen.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Very good legal experts that can combine legal advice with practical business needs. Very accessible and strong in communication. Would highly recommend contrast to others.’

  • ‘Great lawyers. Keen sense of business. Strong in advice and communication.’

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Key clients

  • Adriaenssens Management en Beheer Holding
  • Arvesta
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Work highlights

  • Acting as external legal counsel to the Belgian Competition Authority in the appeal introduced before the Brussels Market Court by four tobacco manufacturers (Philip Morris Benelux, British American Tobacco Belgium, Japan Tobacco International Company Netherlands, and Imperial Tobacco against a decision imposing fines of more than €36m.
  • Successfully represented Orange Belgium in an interim measures case and investigation brought by the Belgian Competition Authority into the strategic joint venture between Orange Belgium and Proximus for the roll-out of 5G in Belgium following a complaint by Telenet.
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