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Besides assisting a number of digital banks, payment providers, and IT startups with an array of regulatory, tax, and project support questions, CMS also leverages its TMT expertise to advise international companies in a wide range of sectors on the launch of e-insurance, e-payment, and verification projects. The team is particularly well versed in providing regulatory advice on cross-border fintech transactions and partnerships as well as on Belgian market entries. Benoît Vandervelde assists financial institutions and fintech companies with regulatory matters, with an increasing focus on the crypto space; he co-heads the team with electronic communications and competition specialist Dirk Van Liedekerke and data privacy expert Tom De Cordier.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The firm has a crypto-specialised team with an innovative approach to matters at hand and exceptional client-centric services. ’
  • ‘The team has a strong foundation in regulatory principles and case law relevant to the crypto market. They are always available to assist and committed to their clients.’
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Key clients

  • Bolttech
  • Courtside Ventures
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Work highlights

  • Advised Quantessence on their Brexit planning, including the incorporation of a new Belgian entity, filing for and obtaining a Belgian MiFID licence, transfer of business, and opening of branches in London and Prague.
  • Advised Samsung on the offering of devices-related insurance products, including partnership with a third-party insurance broker, regulatory exemptions, contractual terms and structural operations.
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