‘Capable of generating enormous value for transactions’, the capital markets team at Demarest Advogados is singled out for its significant experience in matters that involve intense interaction with regulatory agents, namely the CVM and B3, such as the creation of new funding and trading structures. The team possesses ‘a great track record in capital market transactions’, with a particular focus on debt issuances and asset-backed agribusiness and real estate securisations. The firm’s capabilities in regulatory issues concerning public listed companies were strengthened by the arrival of a whole team from Lobo de Rizzo at the end of 2023, including co-head Paula Magalhães. Magalhães jointly oversees the team with Thiago Giantomassi, whose expertise covers capital markets deals, investment funds and M&A, and investment funds specialist Letícia Wanderley, who is also a reference for investment banks, closely and publicly held companies, investors and managers of securities portfolios seeking assistance with domestic and cross-border capital markets deals.
Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.
‘The team is experienced and conveys security and confidence so that the company can carry out its day-to-day operations, guiding decision-making.'
‘Extremely technical team, available and supportive of clients. High knowledge of technical topics and a differentiated sense of judgment.’
‘Team with excellent technical capacity, up to date, with strategic vision and client knowledge. They are capable of generating enormous value for transactions. They know how to work in a coordinated way and are committed to the result.’
‘One of the largest firms in Brazil with a great track record in capital market transactions with qualified lawyers and a good level of seniority.'
‘Thiago Giantomassi - excellent relationships and in-depth knowledge of the client's reality.’
‘Demarest is a very consolidated firm whose experience becomes a differentiator in transactions. They have a highly qualified structure for client demands and a team always willing to meet their needs.'
‘Letícia Wanderley is a highly qualified partner and demonstrates very relevant knowledge of the market and regulatory matters. Always willing to seek the best alternative for its clients in addition to fighting hard for the client's best interests.'
‘Thiago Giantomassi and Lucas Schiavon are excellent lawyers. They are technically good, fast and always available.'
Key clients
- Jive Investments Consultoria Ltda.
- Banco Inter S.A.
- Start Me Up Crowdfunding Sistemas Para Investimento Colaborativo Ltda
- Banco Bradesco BBI S.A.
- Czarnikow Group Limited and Czarnikow Brasil Ltda.
- Wealth High Governance Advisory Ltda.
- SPE Novo Norte Aeroportos S.A. e Dix Empreendimentos Ltda.
- Green Luce Soluções Energéticas S.A. and its investees, Conecta Aracaju and Conecta Feira de Santana
- Banco Itaú BBA S.A
- Banco Fator S.A.
- XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. and Banco XP S.A.
- Banco ABC Brasil S.A.
- Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
- UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulose Valores Mobiliários S.A
- Suzano S.A.
- Oaktree Capital Management
- Hypera S.A.
- Mahle – Metal Leve S.A.
- Atacadão S.A.
- C&A Modas S.A.
- AgroGalaxy Participações S.A.
- Itaúsa S.A.
- CCR S.A.
- Sendas Distribuidora S.A.
- Hidrovias do Brasil S.A.
- Tegma Gestão Logística S.A.
- Natura & Co Holding S.A.
- Natura Cosméticos S.A.
- CPFL Energia S.A.
Work highlights
- Advised MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A. on the primary public distribution of common shares issued by the xompany, exclusively targeted to professional investors under the automatic distribution procedure, in accordance with the CVM Rule No. 160, dated July 13, 2022, as amended, and coordinated by Banco BTG Pactual S.A., Banco Bradesco BBI S.A., Banco Itaú BBA S.A. and Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.
- Advised Zamp during the MC Brazil F&B Participações S.A., a company of the Mubadala Capital LLC group tender offer.
- Advised Oaktree Capital Management on its investment in real estate investment funds managed by BlueMacaw Gestora de Recursos, currently encompassing real estate assets in thestates of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais.
Practice head
The lawyer(s) leading their teams.
Thiago Giantomassi, Paula Magalhães, Letícia Wanderley