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The dispute resolution team at Piquet, Magaldi e Guedes Advogados specialises in matters involving public contracts, government and regulatory matters, and high-profile litigation in the infrastructure sphere. The team frequently appears before the superior courts, especially in constitutional challenges regarding rulings by the TCU, as well as administrative improbity matters. Guilherme Magaldi, who has extensive experience in cases of national relevance, and Antonio Henrique Medeiros Coutinho, whose expertise lies in TCU matters and public sector litigation, jointly head up the department.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Concessionária Rota do Oeste
  • Concessionária Rio-Teresópolis
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Work highlights

  • Advised CRO on different actions filed against Energisa.
  • Acted for Ultracargo Logística in an action seeking the long-term extension of its port terminal lease agreements until the end of the negotiation with the Ministry of Infrastructure.
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