Piquet, Magaldi e Guedes Advogados is recognised for its ability to handle a variety of public law mandates, ranging from public contracts to government and regulatory matters, as well as high-profile litigation. On the contentious front, the group is often retained by major concessionaires and infrastructure players in proceedings before the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) and administrative improbity cases. Domestic and foreign clients turn to Arthur Lima Guedes for advice on matters before the TCU, while Daniel Bogéa focuses on government and regulatory affairs. Antonio Henrique Medeiros Coutinho excels in litigation and arbitration involving the public sector. Also noted, Gilberto Mendes Calasans Gomes acts mainly in administrative litigation before the TCU, supported by associate Vitória Damasceno.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • SKY Serviços de Banda Larga
  • Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia
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Work highlights

  • Acted for SKY Serviços de Banda Larga in a proceeding before the TCU that contested the conformity of Time Warner’s acquisition by AT&T to Brazil’s Pay-TV law.
  • Represented Concessionária Rio-Teresópolis in several lawsuits related to the economic-financial imbalance of a concession contract.
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