Covering both litigation and non-contentious matters, Rego, Nolasco & Lins Advogados provides legal support to numerous businesses based in the state of Bahia, including companies from the infrastructure, banking, real estate, construction, and oil and gas sectors. M&A and governance matters are at the core of the practice, which is also proficient in project development and concession agreements. Singled out for his ‘vast legal experience in dealing with highly complex and strategic demands’, André Monteiro do Rego is well regarded for his knowledge of regulatory matters, administrative law and public bids. He oversees the team that also includes Cristiane Nolasco Monteiro do Rego, who specialises in commercial contracts, public law matters and consumer law, Waldemiro Lins de Albuquerque Neto, whose areas of expertise include labour, real estate and litigation mandates, and Daciano Públio de Castro.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The excellence of the services provided by Rego, Lins e Nolasco Advogados stands out. The vast experience of the partners in highly complex and strategic demands, as well as the technical training of all associates are elements that surely distinguish the firm in the national legal market.'

  • ‘Partners André Rego and Cristiane Nolasco both stand out for their remarkable technical expertise and vast legal experience in dealing with highly complex and strategic demands. With a solid professional and ethical background, they stand out among the most respected lawyers operating in the country.’

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Key clients

  • Firme Recanto do Jovem
  • Patrimonial Vale
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Work highlights

  • Defending Cigás in a collection action regarding credits subject to an automatic assignment between the client (the former creditor) and Petrobrás (the new creditor), enforceable against Amazonas Energia and Eletrobrás (debtors).
  • Assisting the SSA Consortium in a lawsuit filed against the Municipality of Salvador due to the economic-financial imbalance of the government agreement signed between the parties for the provision of urban cleaning services and solid waste management in Salvador.
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