Silva Matos Advogados stands out for its strong capabilities in employment law. Showcasing particular strength in labour claims, the group works for domestic and multinational companies active in the technology, cosmetics, real estate, industrial, logistics, mining and construction segments. Rafael Alfredi de Matos steers the Salvador-based team on an array of labour mandates, including hiring procedures and litigation. Edson Alves da Silva is noted for his wealth of experience in class actions involving labour unions. Márcia de Meirelles Fonseca is also part of the core team.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Natura Cosméticos
  • Avon Cosmetics
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Work highlights

  • Defending Uber in a public civil action filed by the Brazilian Labour Prosecution Office (MPT), which intends to acknowledge the employment relationship of all drivers registered on the platform.
  • Advised QuintoAndar on the labour law aspects of the acquisition of Casa Mineira.
Abbreviated data is displayed for this firm.