Founded in mid-2021, Franco Leutewiler Henriques Advogados (FLH Advogados) is regularly retained by leading domestic and international companies, including heavyweights from the energy sector, in complex arbitration matters. Aline Dias, who serves as counsel and arbitrator in domestic proceedings, is at the helm of the department, which is rated for its ‘technical and market knowledge of agribusiness and logistics’. Guilherme Moura, who was promoted to partner in January 2023, frequently acts in corporate and contractual disputes. Entirely devoted to dispute resolution, Júlia Athayde focuses on strategic cases in the construction, corporate and energy segments.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Technical and market knowledge of agribusiness and logistics make the firm a strategic partner for the company.’


Next Generation Partners
Junior partners with significant recognition from clients and peers in the market and key roles on multiple matters.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Aline Dias