With a strong presence in Mato Grosso do Sul, Ernesto Borges Advogados offers representation to a plethora of clients in a range of contentious matters, from class actions to corporate, commercial and contractual disputes. Bernardo Rodrigues De Oliveira Castro handles a large volume of mandates in the banking and financial services sector, while power, energy and consumer lawsuits are core areas of activity for Walberto Laurindo De Oliveira Filho. Daniel Feitosa Naruto is another name to note in the practice, which also includes Eva Beatriz Blasco Xavier, a specialist in consumer litigation, Camila Henrique Leite, who is regularly engaged in banking and real estate-related cases, and Ana Carolina Cunha de Figueiredo.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Itaú Unibanco
  • Banco Bradesco
  • Banco BMG
  • Telefônica
  • C6 Bank
  • Alphaville Urbanismo
  • Energisa Mato Grosso do Sul – Distribuidora de Energia
  • Via
  • Ambev
  • SICREDI – Sistema de Crédito Cooperativo
  • Banco Cetelem
  • Tegra Incorporadora
  • Auren Energia
  • Grupo Cornélio Brennand
  • Votorantim Cimentos
  • Aegea Saneamento
  • Banco Inter
  • Porto Seguro Financiamentos

Work highlights

  • Represented Via in a declaratory action of non-existence of debt.
  • Acted for C6 Bank in a claim that dealt with the unilateral closure of a bank account, in which the client had financial investments.
  • Advised Telefônica on the removal of an injunction to prevent the operation of a mobile telephone signal distribution station in a municipality with almost 2 million inhabitants.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Bernardo Rodrigues de Oliveira Castro, Walberto Laurindo de Oliveira Filho, Daniel Feitosa Naruto