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The ‘very technical professionals’ at boutique MAMG Advogados provide ‘specialised services’ in the field of dispute resolution. On the litigation front, the team acts for clients in the infrastructure, banking, media and energy sectors in cases unfolding before the main courts in the country; administrative proceedings and preventive matters are other areas of activity for the firm. Ligia Espolaor Veronese splits her time between arbitration, strategic litigation and mediation. Rafael Francisco Alves is another partner to note in the team. Associate Beatriz Mantovani Bergamo shines in mandates in the technology, entertainment, health and construction industries, and Lucas Morelli focuses on domestic and cross-border cases. Mariana Capela Lombardi Moreto and Paulo Macedo Garcia Neto are no longer at the firm.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘It is a firm specialising in infrastructure arbitration and strategic litigation. They are experienced and know our business.'
  • 'Lígia Veronese, Rafael Alves and Fernando Marcondes are recommended.'
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Key clients

  • CSU Cardsystem
  • HTB Engenharia e Construção
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Work highlights

  • Defended Santo Antonio Energia in a lawsuit filed by a company specialising in R&D concerning an alleged breach of service contract.
  • Representing Buritirama in a fast-track proceeding filed against it due to a default on an Advance of Export Contract (ACE).
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