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Kestener e Vieira Advogados continues to be a leading force in the life sciences space, standing out for its capabilities in complex dispute resolution. Proceedings before the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and cases before administrative and judicial courts are key areas of strength for the group, which is well positioned to advise pharmaceutical, food and beverages, cosmetics and healthcare players in the gamut of life sciences mandates. The firm is seen with great regularity assisting clients with pricing and reimbursement negotiations with the government, public tenders, and product liability issues; the team also fields strong credentials in mandates concerning the manufacturing and licensing of health and food-related products. Founding partner and renowned life sciences expert Beatriz Kestener is the trusted adviser to a number of healthcare clients. Fellow founder Fabio Alonso Vieira focuses on corporate transactions and commercial issues, while Flávio Spegiorin Ramos advises pharmaceutical, food, agriculture, cosmetics and medical devices companies on complex business law matters. Associate Guilherme Gieron Fonseca e Silva specialises in regulatory work related to healthcare and food.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The firm has great technical knowledge and is able to assist the company not only in legal matters but in other areas such as regulatory issues, patient associations, support programs and the medical field. We have great confidence that the work will be carried out with high quality.’

  • ‘Beatriz Kestner is always available to hold an alignment meeting and seek the best solution for the problems presented. It is enriching to work with her as she always presents new opportunities and ideas.’

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Key clients

  • Takeda Pharmaceuticals
  • Baxter Hospitalar
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Work highlights

  • Representing Takeda Pharmaceuticals in a civil action filed by Bayer challenging the productive development partnership settled by Takeda, Hemobrás and the Ministry of Health.
  • Advising Kellogg on the business, corporate, regulatory, tax and contractual structure of the project related to the manufacturing by Sonoco of the Pringles cans.
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