Following the merger of Fialho Salles Advogados and Madrona Advogados in February 2023, Madrona Fialho Advogados draws on a combination of broad non-contentious and specialised contentious expertise. With a strong portfolio in water, sewage and sanitation, the team frequently handles PPPs, concession agreements and public bids. Based in Belo Horizonte, Anderson Novais focuses on the economic and financial balance of concession agreements, and Gustavo Magalhães supports clients in major regulatory and infrastructure matters. The São Paulo team is headed by Gustavo Uchiyama, who is well versed in complex administrative law matters, Rodrigo Machado, a specialist in the power sector, and Rodrigo Barata, who joined from ARTESP in August 2022 and has 'a deep knowledge of administrative law'. Rosane Menezes Lohbauer left the firm in January 2023.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘The firm works in a very integrated way and treats the client in a very personalised way.’

  • ‘The team has a lot of technical depth, and its professionals seek to deepen and study subjects very specific to the client’s area of expertise in a multidisciplinary way.’

  • ‘Rodrigo Barata has a deep knowledge of administrative law. Also very important to our activities is the fact that he knows public administration through his previous experience in the public sector.’

  • ‘The work done by the professionals is of high and technical quality.’

  • ‘We value the experience of partners in public administration.’

  • 'The team has excellent technical capacity and market experience. Lawyers have business experience and theoretical and practical knowledge, which greatly contributes to the legal solution presented being effective and more appropriate to reality.'

Key clients

  • Monte Rodovias
  • Permian Global Research Limited
  • Parquetur Participações
  • Consórcio Pô-Quã
  • Companhia Saneamento Jundiai – CSJ
  • Banco BTG Pactual
  • Luz Belém SPA (CONASA Group)
  • Concessionária SPMar (Grupo Bertin)
  • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  • Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES
  • Shopping do Cidadão Serviços e Informática
  • Aegea Saneamento e Participações
  • Equipav Rodovias Participações e Administração
  • Álya Construtora
  • Patria Investimentos
  • Monte Equity Partners Gestão de Recursos
  • Votorantim
  • Orizon Meio Ambiente
  • CBMM – Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração
  • Sumicity Telecomunicações
  • BH Iluminação Pública
  • BRK Ambiental
  • Buser Brasil Tecnologia
  • Canopus Construções e Empreendimentos
  • Concessionária de Saneamento do Amapá SPE
  • Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI)
  • Construtora Remo
  • CSUL Desenvolvimento Urbano
  • Engeform Engenharia
  • Empresa Construtora Brasil and Suma Brasil – Serviços Urbanos e Meio Ambiente (Mota-Engil Group)
  • Gestores Prisionais Associados – GPA (PPP)
  • GS Inima Brasil
  • Hidro Forte Administração e Operação
  • Hy Brazil Energia
  • OECI (Novonor Group)
  • OEngenharia (Vinci Group)
  • SPE Inova BH and SPE Saúde Primária BH (PPPs Transpes Group)
  • Waterfy Partners Participações

Work highlights

  • Advised Monte Rodovias on the bidding procedure related to federal and state roads in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.
  • Advised BH Iluminação Pública on the negotiation of an amendment to a PPP agreement for street lighting facilities in the municipality of Belo Horizonte.
  • Advised Ambiental Metrosul Concessionária de Saneamento SPE on the development of legal strategies and extrajudicial measures for maintaining the economic and financial balance of a PPP.


Next Generation Partners
Junior partners with significant recognition from clients and peers in the market and key roles on multiple matters.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Anderson Novais, Gustavo Magalhães, Gustavo Uchiyama, Rodrigo Machado, Rodrigo Barata