Commended by clients for being ‘cohesive, competent and committed to the results of the project’, Demarest Advogados‘ real estate team excels in the sale, purchase and leasing of urban and rural properties, and is also adept at handling the real estate aspects of big-ticket M&A deals. Singled out for his expertise in real estate, timberland investments and agribusiness, co-head Lucas Tavares Bueno is a counsel of choice for foreign companies and investors seeking assistance with property acquisitions and sales in Brazil. Thiago Giantomassi takes the lead on financing transactions involving real estate assets, such as the structuring of real estate investment funds and the offering of CRIs. Fellow co-head Marc Stalder, whose expertise covers industrial and commercial facilities, handles transactional, development and regularisation issues. Pablo Queiroz joined from TozziniFreire Advogados in November 2024.
Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.
‘Demarest team is very cohesive, competent and committed to the results of the project.'
‘Attention, availability, high expertise are factors that make the firm unique. They are extremely human, which makes the relationship even more special.'
‘Marc Stalder and Bianca Pagliuso Paleckis are wonderful! Super attentive, extremely polite, firm when necessary, they have a very high level of knowledge. In short, they leave us absolutely at ease when dealing with matters.'
Key clients
- Cidade Matarazzo
- Dow Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Químicos.
- Otto Investimentos
- Dux Comércio e Importação Ltda.
- Tiffany Brasil Ltda.
- Harvard University
- ECB Gestão de Ativos Ltda.
- Santa Genebra Empreendimentos e Incorporações
- ISA CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista
- Servizi EDE Research LLC
- Mav Capital Gestora de Recursos SS
- Visual Desenvolvimento Imobiliário
- Organon Farmacêutica Ltda.
- Orthofix do Brasil Ltda.
- Fundo de Investimentos em Direitos Creditórios Auto-Ford
- Proa Desenvolvimento Imobiliário LTDA
- Arab-Potash Company Brazil Fetilizantes
- Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
- 3R Petróleo S.A.
- Yamaha Motor
- Log Commercial Properties
- Lucio Engenharia
- C&A Modas
- GTIS Partners
- Emusa do Brasil
- ArcelorMittal do Brasil
- Equinor Brasil Energia Ltda.
- Loft Brasil Tecnologia Ltda.
- Nouryon Pulp and Performance Indústria Química Ltda.
- Greenwood Resources Brasil Ltda.
- 7 Bridges Brazil Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda.
- Jive Investments
- Companhia Melhoramentos de São Paulo
- Procter & Gamble do Brasil Ltda.
- Banco Itaú BBA S.A.
- XP Investimentos
- Zoetis Indústria de Produtos Veterinários Ltda.
- Ekko Group Incorporações e Participações Ltda.
- Global Agro Investment SL
- Eletromídia S/A
- Pfizer Inc.
- Osram Comércio de Soluções de Iluminação Ltda.
- Plásticos Novel São Paulo Ltda.
- Mohawk, Inc.
- Long-Ping Hightech Group
- P37 Participações Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda.
- X-Elio Energy, S.L.
- IHI Corporation
- GTIS Brasil Partners
- EcoVita Incorporadora e Construtora Ltda.
- InnOcean World Wide Americas LLC
- Lupo S/A
- Klabin S/A
- Fiven ASA
- Oaktree Capital Management, L.P
- Bayer S.A.
- ADP Systems Inc.
- Sherwin-Williams do Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
Work highlights
- Advising The Natural Fruit Company (TNFC), a company majority owned by Fremman Capital investment fund, on the Brazilian part of the transaction related to the acquisition of Bollo International Fruits, a horticultural company with production spread over Spain, Brazil, and Senegal.
- Advised Oaktree Capital Management on its investment in real estate investment funds managed by BlueMacaw Gestora de Recursos, currently encompassing real estate assets in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Minas Gerais.
- Advising Yamaha on a real estate operation involving the exchange between its property in Guarulhos (where its industrial operation is located) and commercial offices located in the City of São Paulo, that were leased to third parties.
Practice head
The lawyer(s) leading their teams.
Lucas Tavares Bueno, Thiago Giantomassi, Marc Stalder