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HRSA Sociedade de Advogados is home to a team of ‘lawyers with extensive experience and knowledge of taxation’, offering advisory and contentious services. Covering federal, state and municipal taxes, the team regularly advises on the tax aspects of cross-border investments, tax planning, transfer pricing and repatriation issues, and stands out for its indirect tax expertise. On the litigation front, it is adept at acting for a host of clients – including names from the pharmaceutical, insurance, pulp and paper, and food and beverage sectors – in judicial cases and administrative proceedings involving the challenging of tax assessments. Indirect tax specialist Mauricio de Carvalho Silveira Bueno oversees the tax litigation arm; Isabel Garcia Calich Da Fonseca excels in international taxation; João Paulo de Seixas Maia Krepel focuses on tax consulting and transactional matters; and Ana Flora Vaz Lobato Diaz specialises in litigation involving direct and indirect taxes.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Lawyers with extensive experience and knowledge of taxation. We were impressed from the very first conversations and alignments. The lawyers who assisted us were very intelligent and always showed themselves to be creative and proactive in proposing solutions to the problems presented.'
  • 'Lucas Martini de Aguiar and João Paulo de Seixas Maia Krepel always attended to us and demonstrated a broad technical knowledge of taxation and accounting.'
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Key clients

  • Carino/Manibom
  • Valgroup
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