Noted for its 'enormous technical quality', Araújo e Policastro Advogados is proficient in municipal, state and federal taxes, and advises both individuals and large to mid-sized corporate clients from the infrastructure, energy, agribusiness and manufacturing sectors. Sylvio Fernando Paes De Barros Júnior has a wealth of experience in tax matters, including contentious and advisory issues. Fernanda Botinha Nascimento 'stands out for her high technical-legal knowledge and quality client service'.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘A large law firm. Always ready with the best solutions. Supporting us in corporate and tax matters.’

  • ‘Fernanda Botinha Nascimento- competent and with high tax technique.'

  • ‘The team has enormous technical quality. Additionally, the quality, education, and care with which they take care of the client is unparalleled.'

  • ‘Fernanda Botinha do Nascimento stands out for her high technical-legal knowledge and quality client service.'

  • 'Sylvio Fernando Paes de Barros Júnior - extremely dedicated to the practice of law. Extremely high technical knowledge.'

Key clients

  • Luz Franquias S/A (Grupo Chilli Beans)
  • Prometeon Tyre Group Indústria Brasil Ltda.
  • Via Magna Construções e Empreendimentos Ltda.
  • APAN Agropecuária LTDA.
  • Axletech do Brasil Sistemas Automotivos Ltda.
  • Confab Industrial S.A. / Tenaris Coating do Brasil S.A.
  • Confab Montagens Ltda.
  • Ampenhol TFC
  • Cabot Corporation
  • Keysight Technologies Medição Brasil Ltda.
  • Metalsa Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Autopeças Ltda.
  • Metalsa Campo Largo Indústria e Comérciode Chassis Ltda.
  • Deublin Juntas Rotativas de Precisão Ltda.
  • Meritor do Brasil Sistemas Automotivos Ltda.
  • Schaeffler do Brasil Embreagens Ltda.
  • Penumbra Latin America Distribuidora de Equipamentos e Produtos Médicos Ltda.
  • Markem-Imaje Identificação de Produtos Ltda.
  • Spirax Sarco Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
  • Thornton Eletronica Eireli
  • Amer-Sil do Brasil Membranas Microporosas Ltda.
  • CIPEG Cirurgia Pediátrica Ltda


Leading associates
Leading associates with regular involvement in their team's key work, and recognition from peers or clients as being ones to watch.
Fernanda Botinha Nascimento
Araújo e Policastro Advogados

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Sylvio Fernando Paes de Barros Júnior

Other key lawyers

Fernanda Botinha Nascimento