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Boasting over three decades of experience in the shipping sector, Rio de Janeiro-headquartered boutique Shipping Consultoria provides legal support in the context of wet and dry matters to a stellar international client base of charterers, P&I clubs, shipowners, insurers, terminals, shipyards and traders. In addition to its solid performance in complex mandates concerning ship arrests, bills of lading, marine insurance, casualties and environmental liability, the practice is also often engaged in contractual and transactional matters, including ship finance and purchases. At the helm of the practice, Fernando Porto is especially sought out for his experience in charterparty, construction and insurance contracts. Fernando Porto Filho specialises in litigation, frequently acting in ship arrests, marine casualties and insurance claims. Cargos and bills of lading disputes are a core area of expertise for Luciano Luz, who is also retained by P&I Clubs in accidents and casualty matters.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Deep knowledge of the subject.’

  • ‘Fernando Porto and Fernando Porto Filho are recommended.'

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Key clients

  • Companhia de Navegação Norsul
  • Lyra Navegação Marítima
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Work highlights

  • Assisted H Dantas in a restructuring and refinancing deal with BNDES - Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social.
  • Acted for Camorim in a charterparty dispute against Sapura Energy.
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