Esguerra JHR houses a multidisciplinary banking and finance practice that routine advises financial institutions, insurance entities and funds on regulatory and transactional matters. As a former executive vice president of the Colombian Stock Exchange, group head Juan Pablo González is well versed across the gamut of finance, securities and corporate law. The group also includes Verónica Arango Lux, who has a focus on banking, finance and capital markets transactions. Since publication, the firm has merged with tax specialist firm Jiménez, Higuita, Rodríguez & Asociados (Tax & customs) to become Esguerra JHR – effective as of February 2024.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Committed, organised and disciplined team. They complement their positions with the knowledge of other experts within the office. They have a tool that allows you to monitor the different stages of the project.'
  • 'Recommended for their level of preparation, their quality in treatment and their practicality: Juan Pablo Gonzalez and Veronica Arango.'

Key clients

  • Itaú Corpbanca (Chile)
  • Protección AFP
  • Troop Team
  • Distribuidora Rayco
  • Itaú Corpbanca Colombia
  • Scotia Capital Inc

Work highlights

  • Advised Itaú Corpbanca on the structuring of a subordinated loan agreement.
  • Advised Protección AFP on a spin-off process, which involved the incorporation of insurance company Asulado Seguros de Vida.
  • Acted for Distribuidora Rayco on the structuring of credit financing, through the sale of portfolios originated by Rayco and third parties.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Juan Pablo González