According to sources, ECIJA Colombia’s team ‘provides a series of innovative services that generate value for clients’. Particularly experienced in arbitral proceedings related to public utilities, economic regulation and competition, the group acts for a diverse mix of domestic and multinational corporations, as well as public sector entities. Competition and regulatory specialist Pablo Márquez co-heads the department together with Camilo Ramírez, whose practice has an emphasis on litigation, arbitration and real estate work.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Ecija is a dynamic firm, with professionals who are completely familiar with technology and new trends, and its work team is helpful, profound, and very willing. They break with the credo that lawyers are slow, old-fashioned and not very dynamic.’
  • ‘I believe that Ecija has three outstanding virtues: it is very well prepared; it is empathetic, which allows it to build good work teams; and lawyers are assertive in their opinions.’
  • ‘Ecija Colombia has a diversity of experience and knowledge that allows it to offer the market a series of innovative services that generate value for clients, in aspects such as legal tech, competition, land regulations,   among others. Ecija Colombia offers unique services that sets it apart from the rest.’
  • ‘All Ecija Colombia partners have had exceptional performances in their previous jobs and bring that experience and knowledge to provide value-added services.’

Key clients

  • Unidad Administrativa Especial de Servicios Públicos (UAESP)

Work highlights

  • The firm acted as co-counsel to Unidad Administrativa Especial de Servicios Públicos (the district entity responsible for ensuring the provision of public utilities in Bogotá) in an arbitration claim initiated by CGR, the operator of the sanitary landfill Doña Juana in Bogotá.

Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Camilo Ramírez, Pablo Márquez