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Infraestructura Legal SAS’ boutique model is commended by sources who say it ‘provides personalised services and offers tailored solutions for each project’. The firm’s exclusive focus on infrastructure law, with a particular orientation towards PPP projects, marks it as a popular choice to represent both private and public-sector clients on projects-related work. The group is co-led by Francisco Suárez, who has a focus on administrative law and infrastructure project management, and Francisco Real, who also has a strong administrative law dimension to his practice.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Infraestructura Legal, being a boutique, stands out from other teams in the sense that it provides personalised services and offers tailored solutions for each project; it is not limited to replicating processes from other projects, as can happen with larger firms.’

  • ‘The team has extensive experience in the infrastructure sector, which allows it to offer integral solutions, understanding that in PPPs there are two agents who should benefit, the public and the private sector.’

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Key clients

  • Bonus Banca de Inversión
  • Odinsa
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Work highlights

  • Advised Bonus Banca de Inversión on the legal structuring of the PPP project for the recovery of degraded ecosystems of the Dam Watercourse — Canal del Dique — in the Magdalena River, for ANI, Cormagdalena and the Adaptation Fund.
  • Advised the Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano (IDU) on long-term construction contracts for the city, including recently advising on the public tender for the construction of a cable car transportation system for the town of San Cristóbal.
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