Mazanti-Andersen is praised for its ‘knowledge of the industry and huge experience’ when it comes to all facets of real estate and construction law, and remains known in the domestic marketplace for advising private operators, development owners and landlords on purchasing properties, bidding matters, and landlord maintenance obligations. Three lawyers jointly head up the practice: Claus Høxbro, Lars Hammer Wentoft and Christian Bonnesen.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Knowledge of the industry and huge experience.’

  • ‘Very much has a commercial view of issues on top of legal knowledge.’

  • 'Mazanti-Andersen's practice stands out for its client-centric approach, offering tailored solutions to meet specific client needs. The diverse team collaborates seamlessly to deliver comprehensive services, leveraging innovative technologies. Embracing diversity and continuous improvement, prioritize exceptional client satisfaction and sustainability. These unique strengths position them as a standout choice in providing personalised, innovative, and comprehensive service experiences.'

  • 'Great availability, know our business in detail, creative in the discussion of solutions both legally and commercial. Our trusted adviser over many years.'

  • 'Claus Høxbro has been our trusted adviser for more than 20 years, he knows our business and our way of thinking and he is able to provide creative solutions and focus on our goals to achieve the best possible solution in a challenged market. Claus has created a team around him together with his college Lars Hammer Wemtoft that really work for us. Claus has high morals and business standards.'

Key clients

  • Udviklingsselskabet CØ P/S
  • Rønne Havn A/S
  • Nordkranen A/S Ejendomsudviklingsselskab
  • Unionkul Udvikling ApS
  • Stone Danmark ApS
  • Hans A/S
  • P/S Rådhusstræde
  • P Value investment A/S I and II
  • Greve Plantemiljø A/S
  • Catella Investment Management A/S

Work highlights

  • Advising Velkomn, a new joint venture from the English property developer Matter Real Estate, the property company 1927 Estate, and the former director of HD Ejendomme. The intention is to build a billion-kroner portfolio of real estate projects in several larger provincial cities.
  • Advised 2L Holding A/S in connection with the acquisition of Rungsted Sundpark A/S from Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker Aktieselskab.
  • Advised Nordkranen A/S Udviklingsselskab and Catella Investment Management A/S on the negotiation of all contracts related to the buying and development of 36,000sqm of building rights on a property in Herlev with the aim of building 446 flats, with NCC construction as the turnkey contractor, negotiating the construction and demolition contract.


Practice head

The lawyer(s) leading their teams.

Claus Høxbro, Lars Hammer Wentoft, Christian Bonnesen